We know nothing about the Creator, except His will to create us and to give us the enjoyment. Upon His device, desire of enjoyment arose from nothing.
The Creator's will of creation is called "Keter" (crown), since it surrounds like a crown his will to give us the enjoyment.
The creation of the keter may be imagined as a vessel (kli) ready to get the enjoyment, or the Creator's light (ohr). This point of the creation is called Hochmah (wisdom) and the enjoyment filling the kli is called "ohr Chochma" (light of wisdom).
Since the desire of the enjoyment is the only human's desire, the Creator directs us using it. in many countries in hot summer days we hear water-melon sellers driving cars or modest barrows and calling for buyers. Why these men work so hardly under the burning sun? The Creator gave them desire to bring enjoyment to their families, but thus they bring the enjoyment also to the others while selling juicy quenching fruit. Thus the light gives to the creature not only the enjoyment itself but also the ability to give the enjoyment to the others. But the creature (kli) refuses to have this ability. The enjoyment from voluntary deny to receive (get) the light is called "ohr Chassadim". This stage of the development of the creature is named "Binah".
But the life is impossible without the light (orh of Chochma). And the new form of the creature (Binah) begins to receive some minimal portion of the light and hence is transformed into a new kind called ze'eir anpin. Further development of the creature brings a new desire to enjoy the light, and it beoomes a new object - malchut (kingdom, it means kingdom of desire).
Hence there are the following stages of the creation and of the development of the creature (kli):
l. KETER. The Creator's will to create kli and to bring it the enjoyment.
2. CHOCHMAH. Desire of enjoyment arisen from the light.
3. BINAH. enjoyment not from the light but from its returning to the Creator.
4. ZE`ElR ANPIN (Z"A). Receiving some portion of ohr Chochma
necessary for normal life.
5. MALCHUT. Feeling the importance of or Chochma, Z"A tries to become full of this light and thus turns into malchut. it's malchut being the only real kli (creature) because it desires ltself to receive the entire enjoyment from the Creator. The previous forms are not real kli, but onIy stages of its development. The Creator's will is to create thle kli would like ltself to enjoy His light. Malchut full of the light is called "olam Ein Sof" - the world of Without End. The movement is change of desires giving birth to near creatures (kli). The time is a chain from the cause (the primary desire) to the effect (the secondary desire). "The world of Without End" means a vessel full of enjoyment without any limit, i.e. unsatisfied desire. This is the condition of kli malchut. Therefore, from the Creator's point of view, malchut is the completion of the program of Creation.
The aim of the Creation is to create a new thing the creature and to fill it with lmmense absolute enjoyment. Thus the Creator gave to the creature a great desire to receive the enjoyment.
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