Sunday, April 30, 2006


"Kavvanah is the only tool we have! Because ‘a commandment without intent is like a body without a soul’ (mitsvah bli kavanah keguf bli neshamah). If the body has no soul it is enslaved to corporeal desires which are continually unfulfilled. So without kavvanah we are building sandcastles that will inevitably crumble and lead to perpetual suffering. If ratzon lekabel (desire to recieve) is my bow and ratzon lehashpia (desire to bestow) is my arrow, kavvanah is the inner ‘tension’ and balance between the two as I ‘aim’ at Him, my target."

Ronny from Brisbane

Saturday, April 29, 2006

BB Sydney Activities

Classifications- courses; lectures

Kabbalah study group.
Lectures, discussions and readings.
All welcome
Call: 0416 268 797

What’s on

Kabbalah group.
Lectures series by Rav Michael Laitman PhD.
Wednesday evenings, Rose Bay.
8.00pm Ph: 0416 268 797

Kabbalah Live broadcast lectures by
kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman PhD.
12.30pm - 3pm daily.

Advice from the morning lesson

To relate to each other with love and, God forbid, not to show any disrespect or control over another or any lying.

Allow the friends to feel that I love them and am with them, so as to reach the love of the Creator.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Here is part of the group

Rav's words

Our progress depends solely on our transformation! Here is the point to take hold of what the work of a person is; it makes me see that everything depends on me!

Rav's advice from the morning lesson

Strive to hold on to the elevated state, minimal enthusiasm and don’t let go of it.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Congress for the World Kli

Barrier Breaking Work

The congresses of BB are always powerful, however this last one has to be the most moving.

How so? Well many poeple (1000+) were gathered to work in professional areas to improve and streamline the circulation and distribution of the worlds only true source of free Kabbalistic information.

Did you attend? What are your thoughts? Leave a comment.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Well to start go to to read over some of the 50,000 hours plus of material available free and in 22 languages