Saturday, May 06, 2006


Finally, everything depends on the mutual work called Arvut, meaning, if there is a mutual concern that everyone worries about the advancement of the other and sees others forming one Kli that pushes him to the adhesion with the Creator, then accordingly, everyone receives vitality and ability to advance from working for the Creator. Meaning, a person’s life and advancement totally depend on his fellow beings, and he can only compel them through his relation to them, - not through words but through his inner relation, his abnegation for them, because finally it is being revealed to him that others already exist in the corrected state but depend on how he relates to them. And to the extent that he shows himself in the intention to bestow, so he will see others as being his vessel of bestowal to the Creator. If he truly wishes to bestow to the group, he will see the group as a Kli of bestowal to the Creator. Therefore it is written: “He who charges, charges in his own fault,“ meaning that there is no determining the state of the society but only from the state of a person himself.

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