Monday, April 24, 2006

Congress for the World Kli

Barrier Breaking Work

The congresses of BB are always powerful, however this last one has to be the most moving.

How so? Well many poeple (1000+) were gathered to work in professional areas to improve and streamline the circulation and distribution of the worlds only true source of free Kabbalistic information.

Did you attend? What are your thoughts? Leave a comment.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Well to start go to to read over some of the 50,000 hours plus of material available free and in 22 languages


Anonymous said...

Hi Fabian -

It's funny that you chose the exact same template as my original kabbalah4women blog on blogger!

Yes - it was powerful stuff and we will be feeling the effects for a while yet I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Fabian, I've got today a link with photographies from the congress. Here it is. Enjoy!



Anonymous said...

One more exclusive link showing Rabash in 1989, Purim. At the end you can see our Rav in blue shirt, dancing.



Anonymous said...

Hey Fabian,

The Congress was almost too much to comprehend. I'm sure that it forever changed all of us and the whole world and soon we will see the results of it very soon.