*Content - the creation of all possible kinds of Kabbalah material in all possible media forms.
*Second Life
*Kabbalah Newsletter –
*Kab.tv Newsletter
*Kabbalah Today Newspaper
*Education – the production of lessons and courses for regular students.
*ARI Online Curriculum
*ARI Broadcasting Infrastructure
*Internet Dissemination – promoting our content through all possible Internet channels.
*Video Submission
*Article Submission
*Social Bookmarking
*Yahoo! Answers
*Video Promotion
*Web Directories
*Bit Torrent
*Physical Dissemination – the management of all types of physical dissemination (circulation of books, newspapers, local events etc.)
*Kabbalah Today Subscriptions
*Books Distribution
*HR – the management of all human resources that serve our dissemination to the English
*Finance – the management of our monetary resources and fundraising activities.
*Copyrights and Legal Issues
*Web Design / Dev.