What is previous to Behina Dalet (the fourth aspect) is called Behinot (aspects), and what is inside Behina Dalet is called Sefirot. The difference is great. Because whatever is prior to Behina Dalet, is not yet grasped within the emanation as its components, the components of its nature, from which it is built, but is regarded as the attributes of the Emanator that come and build it. Whereas, the aspects 0,1,2,3,4 (Shoresh, Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet), which are already included in Behina Dalet, they are the Sefirot, they are what shines in the emanation as the animating force, the force of life, as forces coming from the Emanator to the emanation and building it.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Quotation from Shamati:
No luxury is given from above, but only what is indispensable.
Posted by bbsydney at 1:56 am 0 comments
Quotation from Shamati:
No luxury is given from above, but only what is indispensable.
Posted by bbsydney at 1:56 am 0 comments
Movies on youtube
I am turning to all our friends and those who identify with us or simply understand the importance, to participate in action regarding the rating of our videos on the site http://www.youtube.com/
Posted by bbsydney at 1:52 am 0 comments
Definition: There are two forces always present in the Masach (screen):
There are two forces always present in the Masach (screen):
The first is Kashiut (hardness), the force of resistance to receiving Upper Light;
The second is Aviut (coarseness), the force of Behina Dalet’s 'desire to receive'. Because of Zivug de Aka'a (a Stroke Contact) of Kashiut with the Light, Aviut turns into Zakut (purity)m namely, reception turns into bestowal.(Preface to the Wisdom of the Kabbalah, Item 18)
We have arrived at the time of actualization, so let us actualize what the Kabbalists wrote!
Posted by bbsydney at 1:49 am 0 comments
Advice from the morning lesson
Whatever is revealed, you must use it, obtain its benefit.
Posted by bbsydney at 1:48 am 0 comments
Definition: The beginning
The world is renewed and is not ancient , and decidedly it has an end and a goal, in the manner of :
”the end of the deed is in the forethought.”For there is nothing that acts without a goal. And we thereby get the definite law that everything that has a beginning has an end and a goal and all that has no end and a goal has no beginning.
Posted by bbsydney at 1:42 am 0 comments
Definition: Ohr Pashut (Simple Light):
An Ohr that that is mingled with the Kli to the point of indiscriminating the Ohr from the Kli.
TES, Part 1, Table of Questions for the Meaning of Words
Let’s reveal through the books of the Kabbalists to the entire world that the Simple Light fills the entire reality—the Light of pleasure, perfection and eternity!
“Behold, that before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were created, The upper simple light had filled the whole existence…”
(from the book of ARI The Tree of Life.)
Posted by bbsydney at 1:38 am 0 comments
Advice from the morning lesson:
I express myself by nullifying myself for the sake of the friends. By this I manifest my relation to the Creator.
To the extent that a person unites with his friends, so he attains the connection to the Upper Force.
Posted by bbsydney at 1:36 am 0 comments
Monday, June 05, 2006
BB Australian Kabbalah Group
Kabbalah Movies on Google Video
This just in: The full versions of the YouTube.com clips by ARI Films can be seen on Google Video
Posted by deb at 9:31 pm 0 comments
BB Australian Kabbalah Group
BB Australian Kabbalah Group
We must not forget that the Torah, the force that redeems man from all misfortunes, can only be received if it is demanded together, to change for the better, "as one man with one heart". The Torah has already been given, but we can receive it only if we unite with a common aim - to discover the Creator.
Posted by deb at 9:26 pm 0 comments
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Kabbalah’s role in creating a new planetary consciousness:
Asher: We can say that the technological progress during the last few centuries was a great stimulus for human egoism to develop…
Laitman: Just the opposite! Egoism is the cause that stimulates everything else. It grows literally exponentially. This is why we see that great changes happened throughout millennia, then centuries, and in our times great changes are happening every year. That is, egoism is beginning to increase so steeply that people today already change their professions in two or three years. A person has to constantly study. Great changes are happening in everything. We are still not accustomed to this, but life is already moving according to what is inside us. That is, our mind and perception are slightly lagging behind what is there, what nature brings forth in us and outside of us. We are between these two influences, the inner and outer natural influences, and we feel uncomfortable.
Asher: Would it be correct to say that this exponential growth of egoism is exactly the reason why Kabbalah has become so popular?
Laitman: Yes. The Book of Zohar, which was written two thousand years ago, states that Kabbalah will be revealed to people toward the end of the twentieth century. It has been hiding from people for twenty centuries. more
Posted by bbsydney at 9:38 pm 0 comments
Definition: Adam
– The general creation, general soul.
Posted by bbsydney at 9:22 pm 0 comments